1969年 同性愛者のサンゴ研磨 (E)

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

同性愛者のサンゴ研磨は、1969年に火の島 (E)緑の魔女村 (E)の間におきた悲劇的な衝突。

  • どんな地殻構造プレートにでも結びつけられていなくて、火の島は自由に動く島国である。非常に長い島 (E)からのその段階的な漂流において、火の島を囲んでいる珊瑚礁は、偶然緑の魔女村の珊瑚礁にひっかかることが起こりました。この勢いの変化は後ろに火の島をぐいと動かし、礁の間で更なる暗礁をつくりました。ひっかかることと珊瑚礁のこすれる音は数カ月の間続きました。そして、火の島と緑の魔女村の住民は地震のような感じを味わった。
  • Natural water-soluble gas deposits in New Yorkie's continental shelf were released as the reef shook the soil it was in. The oil-to-water ratio in the waters between Fire Island and Greenwitch Village increased as the scraping and snagging of the coral increased. Eventually, the mixture was high enough in oil content that the friction of the coral ignited the waters and shot a wall of fire between the two land masses.
  • Fundamentalists in the area took the sky of flames as a repetition of the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah (although historical records do not indicate which of Fire Island and Greenwitch Village was compared to which biblical town; survivors of the Grinding say it does not matter since the individuals drawing a comparison were nuts to begin with). They immigrated from the two locations to Jesusland, leaving behind progressives and gay rights' activists. Thus, both locations became known for their high homosexual populations and for being "flaming."
  • Once the conflagration died down, it was discovered that both coral reefs had been completely eradicated, eliminating, at last count, 27.5 endangered species, including the gayfish and the seamuncher. Although both lands were in disrepair from the earthquakes that had resulted and fire that had rained down on them, they were no longer caught. Fire Island resumed its island drift and eventually settled down around Oz.